Winamp Line In

Visualizations with CD and line-in in Winamp

  1. Winamp Line In Plugin
  2. Winamp Line In Command
  3. Winamp Line In Visualization
  4. Winamp Line In://
  5. Winamp Line In

Step 1: Start Input

Free MP3 downloads – An On Line Guide Good Herald Not only does Winamp feature this type of MP3 music, but they also let you download their free MP3 winamp player, complete with ultra-phat skins and visualizations. Aside from that, Winamp also features some great plug-ins to give your MP3 player some. Download free plugins for Winamp in Output category, all Winamp plugins directory on Winamp Skin: U2 No Line on Horizon. Jun 28, 2018 06/18. Eye 36 favorite 0 comment 1. Winamp Skin: U2 No Line on Horizon favorite ( 1 reviews. LineIn Plugin v1.51 - This plugin works fairly kool, however there is a small bug. If you set up the line in command & then press stop it will cause winamp to crash & then you have to restart it. The line in functionality & sound fidelity is very clear. There is a slight delay but this is probably due to the buffer.

A) For CDs start playing the CD.
B) For line in select Open Location (Ctrl-L) and type in 'linein://' and hit Open (no quotes).
Step 2: Check to See If Visualization Is EnabledWinamp
  1. Preferences (Shortcut: Ctrl-P)
  2. 'Plug-ins' Tab
  3. 'Input' Sub-Tab
  4. Select 'Nullsoft CD/Linein plug-in...'
  5. Hit Configure
  6. Make sure 'Sample input from soundcard (for vis)' is checked
  7. Hit OK
  8. Hit Close
Winamp line input
Step 3: Setting Recording Control
1) In the lower right corner of your screen double click on the little speaker icon. This should bring up the Volume Control Applet. Or you can go to Start > Run > 'sndvol32' (without quotes) > hit

Winamp Line In Plugin

2) Select Properties from the Options Menu:
3) In that box select 'Adjust Volume for' 'Recording' and make sure all boxes are checked in 'Show the following volume controls:' then hit LineWinamp line in://OK.
4) Now you will be in Recording Control. There you will see several different volume sliders each one with a checkbox labeled 'select' under it. For the CD Player select 'CD Player' and for line-in select 'Line-in'. Now you aren't limited to those two, you can select any device you want to see Visualizations from. If yours has 'Stereo Mixer' you can even visualization for anything that travels out your speakers, including media played from other applications like Napster or Windows Media Player.
Step 4: Tweaking

Winamp Line In Command

For improving the reactivity of the beat/sound detection it is recommended that you install the low latency output plug-in from Jaspers here

Winamp Line In Visualization

This is because winamp gets input THEN outputs (of which there is a large (for live set standards) buffer) THEN uses the visual plug-in.
This will improve the beat detection and reduced the latency a bit.
If you are using AVS you will need to use the standard beat detection not the advanced version. (Edit added October 2002 - Rovastar)
[Version: 2.1]
[Last Updated: 10/08/02]

Winamp Line In://

Winamp Line In

[Winamp Version: 2.81]