Cdock High Sierra

  1. Dock High Sierra Resort
  2. Cdock Mac High Sierra
  3. Dock High Sierra Ranch
  4. Cdock Not Working High Sierra
  5. Dock High Sierra Trail
  6. Cdock 2 High Sierra

Rated 5 out of 5 by AtlasNVXL from Not working for MacOS high Sierra 10.13.5 As of, it will not work for MacBook MacOS high Sierra 10.13.5. Date published: 2018-06-27T00:00:00-04:00 Rated 5 out of 5 by Bas19 from Very Good USB Type C dock for dual monitors Good range of connectivity, USB-Type C with power, very reliable, and easy to. The nice thing about cDock (other than being completely free), is that it eschews all that, allowing you change the Dock quickly and easily, without needing to know a thing about the command line. We’ll be covering how to create custom Docks in an upcoming article, but in the meantime, feel free to play around with cDock on your own and see.

This article lists a known compatibility issue that you may encounter when running Photoshop on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and provides solutions to avoid that issue.

Adobe has discovered the compatibility issue listed below with running Photoshop with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).

Adobe strongly recommends that customers update to the Photoshop CC 2017 release prior to updating to macOS 10.13 (High Sierra). Older versions of Photoshop were not designed, nor extensively tested to run on macOS High Sierra. Additionally, we strongly recommend that customers do their own testing on a non-production partition to ensure that new operating systems work with their current hardware and drivers (printing, etc). You may wish to remain on an older version of the OS that is compatible with prior versions of our software.

If you do encounter issues not already documented, feel free to report them on our feedback site.

Versions affectedPhotoshop CC 2017 or earlier
Operating systemmacOS 10.13 High Sierra

Adobe has discovered the compatibility issue listed below when running Photoshop CC 2017 and earlier releases on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).


The 10.13.1 update to macOS High Sierra resolves this issue. The information below applies only to macOS High Sierra 10.13.0.

Dock High Sierra Resort

The Photoshop document window does not expand to fill the entire display when the macOS Dock is shown. The problem does not occur if the Dock is set to “Automatically hide and show”

  1. Download to your computer.


  2. After you download the OSXCompatibility plug-in package file above, double-click it to decompress it. If asked, extract all the files.

  3. Copy the OSXCompatibility.plugin file to the Plug-ins folder inside the Photoshop application folder:

    Applications/Adobe Photoshop [Photoshop_version]/Plug-ins

Our engineering team is working with Apple to correct the root problem as soon as possible.

Most improvements in macOS High Sierra are not immediately visible to the ordinary macOS user. Especially under the hood many improvements have been made in the area of performance and safety. Some users experience a slow Mac after installing MacOS High Sierra

With the following 10 Terminal Commands you can speed up macOS High Sierra. The commands disable various delays and animations from that standard built by Apple. These are nice, but not necessary for the Mac

Open Terminal, which you can find in the folder: Applications ▸ Utilities. Copy and paste the following command either in the Terminal window. Press enter to apply this

macOS user interface

1. Disable animations when opening and closing windows.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool false

2. Disable animations when opening a Quick Look window.

defaults write -g QLPanelAnimationDuration -float 0

3. Accelerated playback when adjusting the window size (Cocoa applications).

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime -float 0.001

4. Disable animation when opening the Info window in Finder (cmd⌘ + i).

defaults write DisableAllAnimations -bool true

5. Disable animations when you open an application from the Dock.

HighCdock High Sierra

defaults write launchanim -bool false

6. Make all animations faster that are used by Mission Control.

Cdock Mac High Sierra

Dock high sierra ranch

defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1

7. Disable the delay when you hide the Dock

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0

Mail applicatie

8. Disable the animation when you sending and replying an e-mail

defaults write DisableReplyAnimations -bool true
defaults write DisableSendAnimations -bool true



9. Disable the standard delay in rendering a Web page.

defaults write WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.25

10. The keyboard react faster to keystrokes (not equally useful for everyone

defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0

Dock High Sierra Ranch

When the commands are conducted in macOS Terminal, you need to reboot your Mac. After re-login you will notice that your Mac responds smoother.

Cdock Not Working High Sierra

Undo changes

If you want any of the above commands undo than is possible using the defaults delete command.

Dock High Sierra Trail

defaults delete domain key

Example: To undo the adjustment number 10, type the command:

defaults delete NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat

Cdock 2 High Sierra

After undoing, you need to restart your Mac.